Chapter VIII
Nuclear Ship
Regulation 1
This chapterapplies to all nuclear ships except ships of war.
Regulation 2
Application of other chapters The regulations contained
inthe other chapters of the present Conventionapply
to nuclear ships except as modified by this chapter.*
Regulation 3
A nuclearship shall not, in any circumstances, beexempted from compliance with any regulations of this Convention.
Regulation 4
Approvalof reactor installation
Thedesign, construction and standards of inspection and assemblyof the reactorinstallationshall besubject to theapproval andsatisfaction of the
Administration and shalltake accountof the limitations which wili be imposed on surveys by the presence of radiation.
Regulation 5
Suitability of reactorinstallationfor service on board ship Thereactor
installationshall be designed having
regard to the special conditions of service on boardship both in normal and exceptional circumstances of navigation.
Regulation 6
The Administration shall take measures to ensure that thereare no unreasonable radiation or other nuclearhazards,at sea or in port,to the crew, passengers or public,or
to the waterways orfood or water resources.
Regulation 7
Safety assessment
(a) A safety assessment shall be prepared to permit evaluation of the nuclear power plantand safety of the ship to ensure that thereare no unreasonable radiation or other hazards, at sea or in port,to the crew,passengers or public, or to the waterwaysor food or water resources.The Administration,when satisfied, shall approvesuch
safety assessment which shallalways be keptup to date.
(b) The safety assessment shall be made available sufficiently in advance to the
Contracting Covernments of the countries which a nuclear ship intends to visit so that they may evaluate the safety of the ship.
Regulation 8
Operating manual
A fully detailed operating manual shall be prepared for
the information and guidance of the operating personnel in their duties on all matters relating
to the operation of the nuclear power
plant and having an important bearing on safety. The Administration, when satisfied,shall approve such operating manual and a copy shall be Kept on board the ship.The operating manualshallalways be kept up to date.
Regulation 9
Survey of nuclear ships shallincludethe applicable requirements of regulation 7 of chapterl, or of regulation 8, 9 and 10 of
chapterl,exceptin so far as surveys are limited by the presence of radiation. in addition. The survey shall include any special
requirements of the safety assessment. They shall in all cases, not with standing the provisions of regulations 8 and 10 of chapter l, be carried out not less frequently than once a year.
Regulation 10
(a) The provisions of paragraph (a) of regulation 12 of chapter I and of regulation 14 of chapter I shall not apply to nuclear ships.
(b) A certificate, called a Nuclear Passenger Ship Safety Certificateshall be issued after inspection survey to a nuclear passenger ship which complies with the requirements of chapters ll-1, ll-2, lll, IV and any other relevant
requirements of the present regulations.
(c) A certificate, called a Nuclear Cargo Ship Safety Certificate shall be issued after
inspection and survey to a nuclear cargo
ship which satisfies the requirements for cargo ships on survey set out in regulation 10 of
chapterl,and complies with the requirements of chapters ll-1,11-2,lll, lV and VIll and any other relevant requirements of the present regulations.
(d) Nuclear Passenger Ship Safety Certificates
andNuclear CargoShip Safety Certificates
shall state “ That the ship, being a nuclear ship, complied with all requirements
ofchapter Vlll of the Convention and conformed to the Safety Assessment approved for the ship".
(e) Nuclear Passenger Ship Safety Certificates and NuclearCargo Ship Safety Certificates shall be
Valid for a period of not more than 12 months.
(f) Nuclear Passenger Ship Safety Certificates and Nuclear
CargoShip Safety Certificates shall be issued either by the Administration or by any person or organization duly authorized by it. Ln every case, that Administration assumes full responsibility for the certificate.
Regulation 11
Special controf
ln addition to the control established by regulation l9 of chapter l, nuclear ships shall be
subject to speL, control before entering
the portsandin the ports of Contracting Covernments, directed towards verifying that there is on board a valid Nuclear Ship Safety Certificateand
that there are no unreasonableradiation or other hazards at sea or inport,to the
crew, passengers orpublic,orto the waterways or food or water resources.
Regulation 12
In the event of any accident likely
to lead to an environmentalhazard the master of a nuclearship shall immediately informthe Administration. The mastershall also immediately informthe
competent governmental
authority of the country in whosewaters the ship may be, or whose
watersthe shipapproaches in a damaged condition.
Chapter lX
Management for the safe operation of ships
Regulation 1
For the purposeof this
chapter, unless expressly provided otherwise:
1 lnternational Safety Management (ISM) Code means the Internationa
lManagement Code for the Safe Operationof Ships and for Pollution Prevention adopted by the
Organization by resolution A.741(18),asmay be amended by the
Organization,providedthat such amendmentsare adopted,brought into
force and take effect in accordance with the provisions of article Vlll of the present Convention concerning the amendment procedures applicableto the
annex other thanchapter I.
2 Company means the owner of the ship or any other
organizationor personsuch as the manager, or the bareboat charterer, who has assumed the responsibilityforoperation of the ship from the owner of the ship and who on assuming such
responsibility has agreed to take over all the duties and responsibilities imposed by the lnternational Safety Management Code.
3 Oil tanker means an oil tanker as definedin
regulation ll-112.22.
4 Chemical tanker means a chemical tanker as defined in regulation VlllB.2.
5 Cascarrier meansa gas carrier as definedin regulation
6 Bulkcarrier means a ship which is constructed generally with single deck,top-sidetanksand hopper side tanks incargo spaces, and is intended primarily to carry dry cargoin bulk, and includes such types as orecarriersand combination carriers.''
7 Mobile offshore drilling unit(MODU) means a vessel capable of engaging indrilling operations for the exploration for or exploitation of resources beneath the sea-bedsuch as Iiquid or gaseoushydrocarbons,sulphur or salt.
8 High-speed craft means a craft as defined in regulation X/1.
Regulation 2
Safety management requIrements
1 The company and the shipshall comply with the requirements of the lnternational Safety Management Code. For the purpose of this regulation, the requirementsof the Code shall be treated as mandatory.
2 The ship shall be operated by a company
holding a Document of Compliance referred to in regulation 4.
Regulation 3
1 Thischapter applies to ships, regardless of the date of
construction, as follows:
1. passenger ships including passenger high-speed craft, not later than 1 July 1998;
2. oil tankers, chemical tankers,
gascarriers, bulk carriers andcargo high-speed craft of 500 gross tonnage and upwards, not later than 1 July1998; and
3. other cargo ships and
mobileoffshore drilling units of 500 gross tonnage and upwards, not later than I )uly 2OO2.
2 This chapterdoes
notapply to government-operatedships used fornon-commercial purposes.
Regulation 4
1 A Document of Compliance shall be issued to every company which complies with the requirements of the International Safety Management Code. This
document shall be issued By the Administration,
an organization recognizedby
the Administration,or at the requestof the Administration by another Contractin. Covernment.
2 A copy of the Document of Compliance
shall be kept on board the ship in orderthat the master can produce it on request for
3 A Certificate, called a Safety ManagementCertificate,
shall be issued to everyship by the Administratic,-or an organization recognized by the Administration. The Administration or organization recognizedby it sha before issuing the Safety Management Certificate, verify that the company and its ship board management operate in accordance with the approved safety management system.
Regulation 5
Maintenance of conditions
The safety-managementsystem shall be maintained in accordance with the provisions of the lnternational Safety Management Code.
Regulation 6
Verificationand control*
1 The Administration,anotherContractingCovernment at the request of the Administration or an organization recognized by the Administrationshallperiodically verify the proper
functioning of the ships safety- management system.
2 A shiprequired to hold a certificate issued pursuant to the provisions of regulation
4.3 shall be subject to control in accordance with the provisions of regulationXll4.
For this purposesuch certificate shall be treate: as a certificate issued under regulalion l/12 or l/13.