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    SOLAS Chapter I dan Chapter II Definition

    Minggu, 26 Maret 2023, 12:38 WIB Last Updated 2023-03-27T07:27:21Z
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    Chapter I  General Definition :

    For the purpose of the present regulations, unless expressly providec otherwise:

    (a) Regulations means the regulations contained in the annex to the present Convention.

    (b) Administration means the Covernment of the State whose flag the ship is entitled to fly.

    (c) Approved means approved by the Administration.

    (d) lnternational voyage means a voyage from a country to which the present Convention applies to a port outside such country, or conversely.

    (e) A passenger is every person other than:

    (i) the master and the members of the crew or other persons employed or engaged in any capacity on

    board a ship on the business of that ship; and

    (ii) a child under one year of age.

    (f) A passenger ship is a ship which carries more than twelve passengers.

    (9 A cargo ship is any ship which is not a passenger ship.

    (h) A tanker is a cargo sh ip constructed or adapted for the carriage in bulk of liquid cargoes of an inflammabler


    (i) A fishing vesse/ is a vessel used for catching f ish, whales, seals, walrus or other Iiving resources of the sea.

    (il A nuclear ship is a ship provided with a nuclear power plant.

    25 May 1980.

    (l) Existing shrp means a ship which is not a new ship.

    (m) A mile is 1,852 m or 6,080 ft.

    m(n) Anniversary date means the day and the month of each year which will correspond to the date of expiry of the relevant certificate."


    Chapter II - 1 Construction - Structure, subdivision and stability, machinery and electrical instructions :

    For the purpose of this chapter, unless expressly provided otherwise:

    -l Subdivision length (1,) of the ship is the greatest projected moulded length of that part of the ship at or

    below deck or decks limiting the vertical extent of flooding with the ship at the deepest subdivision draught.

    2 Mid-length is the mid-point of the subdivision length of the ship.

    3 Aft terminal is the aft Iimit of the subdivision length.

    4 Forward terminal is the forward Iimit of the subdivision length.

    5 Length (l) is the length as defined in the lnternational Convention on Load Lines in force.

    6 Freeboard deck is the deck as defined in the lnternational Convention on Load Lines in force.

    7 Forward perpendicuiar is the forward perpendicular as defined in the lnternational Convention on Load

    Lines in force.

    B Breadth (B) is the greatest moulded breadth of the ship at or below the deepest subdivision draught.

    9 Draught (d) is the vertical distance from the keel Iine at mid-length to the waterline in question.

    10 Deepest subdivision draught (dr) is the waterline which corresponds to the Summer Load Line draught

    of the ship.

    11 Light service draught (d) is the service draught corresponding to the lightest anticipated loading and

    associated tankage, including, however, such ballast as may be necessary for stability and/or immersion.

    Passenger ships should include the full complement of passengers and crew on board.

    12 Partial subdivision draught (dr) is the light service draught plus 60% of the difference between the light

    service draught and the deepest subdivision draught.

    13 Trim is the difference between the draught forward and the draught aft, where the draughts are measured

    at the forward and aft terminals respectively, disregarding any rake of keel.

    14 Permeability (p") of a space is the proportion of the immersed volume of that space which can be

    occupied by water.

    15 Machinery spaces are spaces between the watertight boundaries of a space containing the main and

    auxiliary propulsion machinery, including boilers, generators and electric motors primarily intended for

    propulsion. ln the case of unusual arrangements, the Administration may define the limits of the machinery


    16 Weathertight means that in any sea conditions water will not penetrate into the ship.

    17 Watertight means having scantlings and arrangements capable of preventing the passage of water in any direction under the head of water likely to occur in intact and damaged conditions.in the'dama"ged condition, the

    head of water is to be considered in the worst situation at equilibrium, including intermediate iages of floojing.

    1B Design pressure means the hydrostatic pressure for which each structure or appliance assumed watertight in the intact and damage stability calculations is designed to withstand

    19 Bulkhead deck in a passenger ship means the uppermost deck at any point in the subdivision length (1,)

    to which the main bulkheads and the ship's shell are carried watertight and the lowermost deck from"whic"h

    passenger and crew evacuation will not be impeded by water in iny stage of flooding for damage cases

    defined in regulation B and in parlB-2 of this chapter. The bulkhead deck m1y be a stepp-ed deck. ln"a cargo ship the freeboard deck may be taken as the bulkhead deck.

    20 Deadweight is the difference in tonnes between the displacement of a ship in water of a specific gravity ol 1 .025 at the draught corresponding to the assigned summer freeboard and the lightweight oi the shi[.

    21 Lightweight is the displacement of a ship in tonnes without cargo, fuel, Iubricating oil, ballast water, fresh

    water and feedwater in tanks, consumable stores, and passengert and crew and their"effects.

    22 Oil tanker is the oil tanker defined in regulation 1 of Annex I of the Protocol of l97B relating to the

    lnternational Convention for the Prevention of pollution from Ships, 1973.

    23 Ro-ro passenger ship means a passenger ship with ro-ro spaces or special category spaces as definecl in

    regulation ll-2l3.

    24 Bulk carrier means a bulk carrier as defined in regulation xw1.1.

    25 Keel line is a line parallel to the slope of the keel passing amidships through:

    .1 the top of the keel at centreline or line of intersection of the inside of shell plating with the keel if

    a bar keel extends below that Iine, on a ship with a metal shell; or

    .2 in wood and composite ships, the distance is measured from the lower edge of the keel rabbet.

    When the form at the lower part of the midship section is of a hollow chaiacter, or where thick

    garboards are fitted, the distance is measured from the point where the line of the flat of the bottom

    continued inward intersects the centreline amidships.

    26 Amidships is at the middle of rhe length (t).

    27 2008 lS Code means the International Code on lntact Stability, 2008, consisting of an introduction, part A (the provisions of which shall be treated as mandatory) and part B (the provisions of *hich shall be treated

    as recommendatory), as adopted by resolution MSC.262(85), provided that:

    .1 amendments to the introduction and part A of the Code are adopted, brought into force ancl take

    effect in accordance with the provisions of article Vlll of the present ConvLntion concerning the

    amendment procedures applicable to the annex other than chapter I thereof; and

    .2 amendments to part B of the Code are adopted by the Maritime Safety Committee in accordance

    with its Rules of Procedure.

    28 Coal-based Ship Construction Standards for Bulk Carriers and OilTankers means the International Coal-

    Based Ship Construction Standards for Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers, adopted by the Maritime Safety Committee

    by resolution MSC.2B7(87), as may be amended by the Organization, provided that such amendments are

    adopted, brought into force and take effect in accordance with the provisions of article Vlll of the present Convention concerning the amendment procedures applicable to the annex other than chapter I thereof.


    Chapter II - 2 "Construction

    fire detection, Fire protection and fire extinction :

    For the purpose of this chapter, unless expressly provided otherwise, the following definitions shall apply:

    1 Accommodation spaces are those spaces used for public spaces, corridors, lavatories, cabins, offices,

    hospitals, cinemas, game and hobby rooms, barber shops, pantries containiing no cooking appliances and

    similar spaces.

    2 'A' class divisions are those divisions formed by bulkheads and decks which comply with the following criteria:

    .1 they are constructed of steel or other equivalent material;

    .2 they are suitably stiffened;

    .3 they are insulated with approved non-combustible materials such that the average temperature of the unexposed side will not rise more than 140"C above the original tempeLture, nor will

    the temperature, at any one point, including any joint, rise more than tAO'C above the original

    temperature, within the time listed below:

    class'A-50" G0 min

    class'A-30" 30 min

    class 'A-15" 15 min

    class'A-0" 0 min"

    .4they are so constructed as to be capable of preventing the passage of smoke and flame to the end

    of the one-hour standard fire tesg and

    .5 the Administration required a test of a prototype bulkhead or deck in accordance with the Fire Test

    Procedures Code to ensure that it meets the above requirements for integrity and temperature rise.

    3 Atriums are public spaces within a single main vertical zone spanning three or more open decks.

    4 'B' class divisions are those divisions formed by bulkheads, decks, ceilings or linings which comply with

    the fol lowing criteria:

    they are constructed of approved non-combustible materials and all materials used in the construction

    and erection of "8" class divisions are non-combustible, with the exception that combustible veneers

    may be permitted provided they meet other appropriate requirements of this chapter;

    they have an insulation value such that the average temperature of the unexposed side will not

    rise more than 140'C above the original temperature, nor will the temperature at any one point,

    including any joint, rise more than 225'C above the original temperature, within the time listed


    class "B-15" 15 min

    class "B-0" 0 min

    they are so constructed as to be capable of preventing the passage of flame to the end of the first

    half hour of the standard fire test; and

    the Administration required a test of a prototype division in accordance with the Fire Test Procedures

    Code to ensure that it meets the above requirements for integrity and temperature rise.

    Bulkhead deck is the uppermost deck up to which the transverse watertight bulkheads are carried.

    6 Cargo area is that part of the ship that contains cargo holds, carSo tanks, slop tanks and carSo pump-

    rooms inlludlng prrp-ioorns, cofferdams, ballast and void spaces adjacent to cargo tanks and also deck

    areas throughout the entire length and breadth of the part of the ship over the aforementioned spaces.

    7 Cargo ship is a ship as defined in regulation l/2(g).

    B Cargo spaces are spaces used for cargo, cargo oil tanks, tanks for other liquid cargo and trunks to such


    9 Central control station is a control station in which the following control and indicator functions are


    .1 fixed fire detection and fire alarm systems;

    .2 automatic sprinkler, fire detection and fire alarm systems;

    .3 fire door indicator panels;

    .4 fire door closure;

    .5 watertight door indicator panels;

    .6 watertight door closures;

    .7 ventilation fans;

    .8 general/firealarms

    .9 communication systems including telephones; and

    .10 microphones to public address systems.

    10 "C" class divisions are divisions constructed of approved non-combustible materials. They need meet

    neither requirements relative to the passage of smoke and flame nor limitations relative to the temperature rise.

    Combustible veneers are permitted provided they meet the requirements of this chapter.

    11 Chemical tanker,is a cargo ship constructed or adapted and used for the carriage in bulk of any Iiquid product of a flammable nature Iisted in chapter 17 of the International Bulk Chemlc"al Code, as deiined in

    regulation VII/8.1.

    12 Closed ro-ro spaces are ro-ro spaces which are neither open ro-ro spaces nor weather decks.

    Closed vehicle spaces are vehicle spaces which are neither open vehicle spaces nor weather decks.

    Combination carrier is a cargo ship designed to carry both oil and solid cargoes in bulk.

    15 Combustible materialis any material other than a non-combustible material.

    16 Continuous "8" class ceilings or linings are those ,,B,, class ceiliings or Iinings which terminate at an "A',

    c)r "8" class division.

    17 Continuously manned central control station is a central control station which is continuously manned

    by a responsible member of the crew.

    'lB Control stations are those spaces in which the ship's radio or main navigating equipment or the emergency

    source of power is located or where the fire recording or fire control equifmenl is centralized. Spaces rir6"r"

    the fire recording or fire control equipment is centralLed are also consiclered to be a fire control station.

    19 Crude oil is any oil occurring naturally in the earth, whether or not treated to render it suitable for

    transportation, and includes crude oil where certain distillate fractions may have been removed from or added


    20 Dangerous goods are those goods referred to in the IMDC Code, as defined in regulation Vll/1.1.

    21 Deadweight is the difference in tonnes between the displacement of a ship in water of a specific gravity of 1.025 at the load waterline corresponding to the assigned summer freeboard and the Iightweight of th[ ship.

    22 Fire Safety Systems Code means the lnternational Code for Fire Safety Systems as adopted by the Maritime

    Safety Committee of the Organization by resolution MSC.9B(73), as may be amended by the Organization, provided that such amendments are adopted, brought into force and take effect in accordanc6 with the

    provisions of article Vlll of the present Convention concerning the amendment procedures applicable to the

    annex other than chapter I thereof.

    23 Fire Test Procedures Code means the lnternational Code for Application of Fire Test Proceclures, 2010

    (2010 FTP Code) as adopted by the Maritime Safety Committee of the Organization by resolution MSC.30Z(BB),

    as may be amended by the Organization, provided that such amendments are adopted, brought into force

    and take effect in accordance with the provisions of article Vlll of the present Convention cJncerning the

    amendment procedures applicable to the annex other than chapter I.

    24 Flashpoint is the temperature in degrees Celsius (closed cup test) at which a product will give off enough flammable vapour to be ignited, as determined by an approved flashpoint apparatus.

    25 Cas carrier is a cargo ship constructed or adapted and used for the carriage in bulk of any liquefied gas

    or other products of a flammable nature listed in chapter '19 of the lnternationaiCas Carrier Code,'as defiried

    in regulation Vlll11.1.



    Helideck is a purpose-built helicopter landing area located on a ship including all structure, fire-fighting

    appliances and other equipment necessary for the safe operation of helicopters.

    27 Helicopter facility is a helideck including any refuelling and hangar facilities.

    28 Lightweight is the displacement of a ship in tonnes without cargo, fuel, lubricating oil, ballast water, fresh

    water and feedwater in tanks, consumable stores, and passengers and crew and their effects.

    29 Low flame-spread means that the surface thus described will adequately restrict the spread of flame, this

    being determined in accordance with the Fire Test Procedures Code.

    30 Machinery spaces are machinery spaces of category A and other spaces containing propulsion machinery,

    boilers, oil fuel units, steam and internal combustion engines, generators and major electrical machinery, oil

    filling stations, refrigerating, stabilizing, ventilation and air conditioning machinery, and similar spaces, and

    trunks to such spaces.

    31 Machinery spaces of category A are those spaces and trunks to such spaces which contain either:

    .1 internal combustion machinery used for main propulsion;

    .2 internal combustion machinery used for purposes other than main propulsion where such machinery

    has in the aggregate a total power output of not less than 375 kW; or

    .3 any oil-fired boiler or oil fuel unit, or any oil-fired equipment other than boilers, such as inert gas

    Benerators, incinerators, etc.

    32 Main vertical zones are those sections into which the hull, superstructure and deckhouses are divided

    by "A" class divisions, the mean length and width of which on any deck does not in general exceed 40 m.

    33 Non-combustible material is a material which neither burns nor gives off flammable vapours in sufficient

    quantity for self-ignition when heated to approximately 750'C, this being determined in accordance with the

    Fire Test Procedures Code.

    34 Oil fuel unit is the equipment used for the preparation of oil fuel for delivery to an oil-fired boiler, or

    equipment used for the preparation for delivery of heated oil to an internal combustion engine, and includes

    any oil pressure pumps, filters and heaters dealing with oil at a pressure of more than 0.18 N/mm2.

    35 Open ro-ro spaces are those ro-ro spaces which are either open at both ends or have an opening at one

    end, and are provided with adequate natural ventilation effective over their entire length through permanent

    openings distributed in the side plating or deckhead or from above, having a total area of at least 10% of the

    total area of the space sides.

    36 Open vehicle spaces are those vehicle spaces which are either open at both ends or have an opening

    at one end and are provided with adequate natural ventilation effective over their entire length through

    permanent openings distributed in the side plating or deckhead or from above, having a total area of at least

    10"/" of the total area of the space sides.

    37 Passenger ship is a ship as defined in regulation l/2(f).

    38 Prescriptive requirements means the construction characteristics, limiting dimensions, or fire safety

    systems specified in parts B, C, D, E or C.

    39 Public spaces are those portions of the accommodation which are used for halls, dining rooms, lounges

    and similar permanently enclosed spaces.

    40 Rooms containing furniture and furnishings of restricted fire risk, for the purpose of regulation 9, are those

    rooms containing furniture and furnishings of restricted fire risk (whether cabins, public spaces, offices or other

    types of accommodation) in which:

    .1 case furniture such as desks, wardrobes, dressing tables, bureaux, or dressers are constructed

    entirely of approved non-combustible materials, except that a combustible veneer not exceeding

    2 mm may be used on the working surface of such articles;

    .2 free-standing furniture such as chairs, sofas, or tables are constructed with frames of non-combustible


    .3 draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials have qualities of resistance to the

    propagation of flame not inferior to those of wool having a mass of 0.8 kg/m2, this being determined

    in accordance with the Fire Test Procedures Code;

    .4 floor coverings have low flame-spread characteristics;

    .5 exposed surfaces of bulkheads, linings and ceilings have low flame-spread characteristics;

    .6 upholstered Jurniture has qualities of resistance to the ignition and propagation of flame, this being determined in accordance with the Fire Test procedrrui cod"; ,nd

    .7 bedding com.ponents have qualities of resistance to the ignition and propagation of flame, this

    being determined in accordance with the Fire Test Procedu-res Code.

    41 .Ro-ro spaces are spaces not normally subdivided in any way and normally extending to either a substantial length or the entire length of the ship in which motor vehicles with fuel in their tanks foitheir own propulsion and/or goods (packaged or in bulk, in or on rail or road cars, vehicles (including road or rail tankers), trailers, containers, pallets, demountable tanks or in or on similar stowage units or othJr receptacles) can be loaded and unloaded normally in a horizontal direction

    42 Ro-ro passenger ship means a passenger ship with ro-ro spaces or special category spaces.

    43 Steel or other equivalent materialmeans any non-combustible material wh ich, by itself or due to insu lation provided, has structural, and integrity properties equivalent to steel at the end of the applicable exposure to the standard fire test (e.g. aluminium alloy with appropriate insulation).

    44 Sauna is a hot room with temperatures normally varying between BO"C and 120.C where the heat is provided by a hot surface (e.8. by an electrically heated ou"-n;. The hot roo, -uy ulso include tn" ,[i." rvhere the oven is located and adjacent brathrooms



    Service spaces are those spaces used for galleys, pantries containing cooking appliances, Iockers, mail and specie rooms, store-rooms, workshops othei than those forming part Jf the maZhinery spaces, and similar

    spaces and trunks to such spaces.


    . .Special. category spaces are those enclosed vehicle spaces above and below the bulkhead deck, into and from which vehicles can be driven and to wlicl-r passengers have access. Special category spaces may be accommodated on more than one deck provided tLat the"total overall ct"rr- ir"ij[t for vehicles does not exceed 10 m.

    47 A standard fire test is a test in which specimens of the relevant bulkheads or clecks are exposed in a test furnace to temperatures corresponding approximately to the standard time-temperature curve in accordance with the test method specified in the Fire Test procejures Code.

    48 Tanker is a ship as defined in regulation l/2(h).

    49 Vehicle spaces are cargo spaces intended for carriage of motor vehicles with fuel in their tanl<s for their

    own propulsion.

    Part A: Ceneral

    Regulation 3

    weather deck is a deck which is completely exposed to the weather from above and from at least two

    51 Safe area in the context.of a casualty is, from the perspective of habitability, any area(s) which is not flooded or which is outside the main vertical zone(s) in which a fire has occuried such that it can safely accommodate all persons on board to protect them from hazards to life or health and provide them with basic


    52 Safety centre is a control station dedicated to the management of emergency situations. Safety systems, operation, control and/or monitoring are an integral part of the safety centre.

    53. Cabin balcony is an open deck space which is provided for the exclusive use of the occupants of a single cabin and has direct access from such a cabin.

    Chapter III


